September 4, 2009

Inca o invitatie la film

Name: The Ugly Truth
Type: Comedie romantica

Inca un film cu happy-end tipic american, dar pana a se ajunge acolo e destul de interesant. Katherine Heigl [o mai stiti din Grey's Anatomy, 27 Dresses] e tipa nashpa care datorita lui Gerard Butler [Leonidas - 300] ajunge sa fie o "bomba sexy" [de park nu era simpatica deja]. Cliseul "tipul care nu crede in iubire bla bla" e urmarit f interesant de'a lungul actiunii.
Cateva citate, sa va faceti o idee :))

Mike: You're all about comfort and efficiency!
Abby: What's wrong with comfort and efficiency?
Mike: Well nothing, except no one wants to fuck it.

Abby: My cat stepped on the remote.
Mike: W
ell, be sure to thank your pussy for me.

1 comment:

adina munteanu said...

dragut film..l-am vazut...chiar mi se intampla ceva asemanator..numai k invers decat in film:) vorba aia: viata bate filmul:)